LaserSmart P.O. Box 39516    Solon, Ohio  44139       Phone: 440-247-6346   Fax: 440-247-6346

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Item Category

Item Description Picture
Pen Box Combo pen box brian-pen_box4a.jpg (6725 bytes)
Baby Bat or other occasion 18 inch white ash bat -- can be customized with baby's birth info or any other event info $24.99
Cherry Presentation Box Cherry presentation box -- can be customized with monograms, graphics, or logos. $24.99 harleybox-eagle5.jpg (65565 bytes)
Cremation Box Cremation Box suitable for a small to medium size dog. $45.00
Tea Book Large Tea Box $45.00
Bookmarks Wooden bookmarks for all occasions.  Can be customized with graphics and dates. $3.99 bookmarks-1b.jpg (10864 bytes)
Snowflakes Wooden snowflakes -- 3 inch and 4 inch Call/e-mail snowflake-1a.jpg (3911 bytes) snowflake group.jpg (12875 bytes)

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Copyright LaserSmart 1999, 2000, 2001,2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2006   Last modified September 12,  2006